Lot has been heard and experienced about the magical power of pyramid now lets begin experiment

We provide small, middle amd large size of Cardboard pryamid with neodyamium magnets for experiments. When you purchase our pyramid you will get correct way of orienting pyramid and list of experiments to be performed

Lets have fun with pyramid


Cost:Rs 999/-  + postage/courier charges


Cost:Rs 1999/-  + postage/courier charges



Cost:Rs 2999/-  + postage/courier charges




Food kept under a pyramid will stay fresh for two to three times longer than uncovered food. Artificial flavorings in food will loose their taste, but natural flavors are enhanced. The taste of foods change; they become less bitter or acid The pyramid will dehydrate and mummify things, without decay or mold growing. There is also a slowing or complete stopping of the growth of microorganisms.

Kirlian photographs show the aura to be significantly brighter after a 15 minute exposure period. pyramid-grown shrimp grew two to three times larger than normal. lethargic people become energetic again. Researchers discovered that items placed under a pyramid stay "charged" for various lengths of time after being taken from under the pyramid.

Crystals and water keeps their "charge" longer than anything else Dr. Carl Benedicks (a Swedish scientist) discovered that the pyramid produced a resonance or frequency inside it.

A Canadian hospital tried using a pyramid in their burn ward. The results were that after being under the pyramid for a few minutes, the patients' pain started to reduce. They also found that burns areas healed much faster. Negative Ions help to reproduce and repair body cells. They're transmitted into the body through the air and are circulated by the blood. Too many positive ions (the result of air pollution) can cause depression, and ultimately, illlnesses. Thus, negative ions have a beneficial effect on the body. Pyramids generate negative ions. In addition, they are believed to have a generally balancing effect on the body's electromagnetic field.

Many people put theikøÁinking water in pyramids to charge it with the pyramid's negative ions. It is recommended to put a glass inside a pyramid for about half-an-hour, and large quantities overnight.

How pyramid works

Pyramids are a form of subtle energy collector. Like a solar panel connected to a large battery in full sun, pyramids collect energy over time and store it as a vortex within their center. Items placed within the vortex absorb some of the vortex's energy until it becomes the same intensity (energy flows from high to low concentrations). Like plugging a smaller battery (item being charged) into a larger more charged battery (pyramid vortex).

Pyramids can be used to energize amulets, wands, gemstones, crystals, herbs, tinctures, potions, healing devices, jewelry, food, juice, magic scrolls and more. Heal local and long distances using pyramids.** Energizing energy based items (gemstones, amulets, wands and crystals) makes their inherent properties more pronounced and more effective. A pyramid is a charger, it charges up the item/s placed inside.

 Mediating under a pyramid-shaped structure can help an individual to reach a state of consciousness that can assist in self-healing. 

 Placing beverages and food under a pyramid-shaped cover will ensure they stay fresh longer and taste better.

Medicines placed under the pyramid will become more effective.

Water stored under a pyramid gets energised and, when drunk, brings relief to those with skin diseases. 

 Placing a pyramid over a cut or wound expedites the healing process.

Building a house in the shape of a pyramid can increase the occupants' lifespan.

 Sleeping under a pyramid helps retard ageing and retain youthful looks.

 Placing pyramids made with copper in the corners of the house can remove fatigue and low esteem.

Placing used shaving blades under a pyramid for 24 hours can recharge the blades and the blades can be reused.

 Used battery placed under pyramid for 24 hours can recharged and reused.

 Covering tea or coffee under a pyramid for 24 hours can be recharged and reused.

 The beauty and glow of an individual will improve if water stored under a pyramid is used to wash the face daily.

 Placing the pyramid on top of the head like wearing a cap, helps to heal headache, migraine, falling hair, sinusitis, depression, insomnia and premature graying.

 Pyramids placed on the aching part of the body can ease the pin. This can be further enhanced by drinking water energised by pyramid.

 Placing pyramid under the chair at work or home will increase an individual's concentration (studying or working) and also improves health.

Placing a pyramid on the head of a student like wearing a cap helps the students to retain in their memory what they have studied.

 Place pain relieving oils or cream under a pyramid so that further application on aches and pains will be more effective.

 Placing toothpaste under a pyramid for three or more days and using it to brush teeth and gums relieves the user from diseases of teeth and gums.